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Sound Therapist Training
Sound therapy is a growing field especially as many people look to alternative therapies to solve their health problems. As an associate teacher with the Sound Healing Academy, I offer a foundation and level two course in integral sound healing. Level one will enable you use sound healing instruments on yourself, and your friends and family. Level two qualifies you to work, with the general public, as a sound therapist. Integral sound healing is a unique approach which treats the whole person.
Level one Foundations of Integral Sound Healing
Learn how to use gongs, Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, voice, tuning forks and drums for your healing and healing friends and family. Don't miss out on the early bird discounted offer. Follow the full certified option, which includes access to an extensive online learning library, attendance at the workshop and ongoing tutor support. Or just attend the workshop.
Next level one workshop June 28th-30th 2024
L1 Sound Healing Workshop In Frome, Somerset, UK (academyofsoundhealing.com)
Wonder what it is like to attend one of my workshops? This is what some of my 2023 participants had to say about their experiences.
Level one training
On the level one foundations of integral sound healing workshops, you will learn how to use crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, drums, gongs, tuning forks and the voice, in a healing way, on yourself, friends and family. You will also be introduced to working with groups using these instruments. It is a very practical and interactive four days. I also run 2 day single instrument workshops where you can chose to focus on either Tibetan bowls, the voice or tuning forks. You can select the workshop only or full certified option. With the full certified option you will attend the workshop and also have access to hours of online learning videos. You will complete course work and receive a certificate. I am running live online and in person level one workshops.
Friday 28th-Sunday 30th June, Level one Foundations of integral sound healing, Frome, IN PERSON

Level Two Training 2024
The level two training is for those who have passed the level one and wish to go on work professionally as a sound therapist. It is offered as a working one to one with clients or with groups option. You can do both and a discount is offered for this. Level two teaches you a unique ten step process for healing with sound. Included in this is energy assessment, which is a vital part of healing. This training is offered over five days and is an intense and uplifting experience. The full certified option includes hours of online learning content plus the coursework which you are given a year to complete. You will have regular contact with me during this year in Zoom tutorials as well as contact with your group to offer support and advice. There is also a workshop only option.
23rd-27th May
This workshop will be held in the beautiful Well Bath retreat centre, located in the hills above Bath. It is a quiet location where you can immerse yourself in sound, learning, giving and receiving healing.

Public sound baths
Sound wellness in schools
yoga and meditation groups
Sound healing for people with ASD
sound healing for people with dementia.
pregnant women and babies
people whose lives have been touched with cancer
corporate organizations
ceremonies and rituals
fairs and festivals

One to One
22nd-26th August
For those interested in working with individual clients, this workshop will be held at Bath Spa university (Newton Park Campus). Another beautiful location for rest and contemplation but also within easy reach of Bath city centre.