Practising Yoga Nidra and Sound Healing together
What is yoga nidra?
Yoga nidra is a powerful, meditative practise which takes you on a journey into a more relaxed state. In yoga nidra we lie down and turn inwards. We embrace stillness rather than movement.
“Most people sleep without resolving their tensions, this is termed nidra. Nidra means sleep, no matter what or why but yoga nidra means sleep after throwing off all the burdens. It is of a blissful, higher quality altogether.”
“Relaxation does not mean sleep, relaxation means to be blissfully happy.”
~ Swami Satyananda Saraswati
What is sound healing?
Sound is all around us, it is part of our everyday lives. We are a part of the soundscape. Our bodies produce sound. It is as though our bodies are an orchestra.
When we are sick, our body is out of balance or one member of the orchestra is playing a different tune.
Sound healing is an alternative therapy which can help our bodies to achieve its lost balance, find the right tune, through the use of sound.
I combine yoga nidra and healing sounds to achieve a state of equilibrium and deep relaxation.

Interested in becoming a sound therapist?
If you are interested in finding out more about sound therapy, why not book onto a workshop with me, through the Sound Healing Academy. You will learn how to use sound healing instruments on yourself, friends and family and, with further study, how to work with the general public.